Friday, October 31, 2008


heres my daily dose of something fabulous to fag out on.......

and for you political fags who happen to be golden girl fans out there......

YAY! you have had you daily dose of fagging out. go make cupcakes, you happy little fruit cake!

homo horse aids and GIANT BOOBS!!!


ok at first i was thinking this was a joke or something. but alas i stand corrected.

"horse AIDS!" WTF are you freakin serial right now ¿ ?
(how the EF did i make an upside down question mark?)

anywho, i found these massive chest-acles on lady bunnys blog. and she said the perfect quote..

"i havent seen a pair of boobs that big since McCain paired up with Palin!" harr harr harr!!!

wanna see them al' fresco? click here you sick bitch.


skip ahead to 2:30!!! make sure your not drinking milk while watching!!

gay casino add!

this made me LOL!

thank you LADY BUNNY for the clip!

artificial sweetner

check out this clip for GREYSON. its looks freakin sweet!


lol. this came out a couple of years ago.
i wish it was real.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

me want soul food

time to ramble.....

my soul is feeling a little weak. i dont think ive given it much to eat. lately ive been going though a series of small battles. spending too much time on others. trying to stop tanks with baby rattles. not enough time for myself. and my soul is lonely. this is my out come. who am i, where are you, and what have i become?

weird, i diddnt want that to rhyme.

my point is, im feeling like everything i do just back fires. and im at a point where i just want to move on. but what direction do you turn to when you dont even know where or who you are? things with mr squeezy arnt what i want. i want a boyfriend. not just another friend who happens to be boy. and its hard to be friends with him, cause i want to be with him too much. and drama with my groan.... i dont even know how to approach that. i feel like my friends are starting to grow out of me. these relationships are starting to grow stale. the only thing i can do now to clear my mind is go to my special place i found in the city and spin poi. even last night it was hard to not think about........

i cant finish this right now.



Hi mitcho and i went out to the YELLE show on monday!!
"Funeral Party" opened for her. ive always been a fan of really good rock music, but i havent heard a thing ive liked in the recent years. untill i saw the shaggy haired, pint sized lead singer screaming out his soul and putting on a HELL of a show.
i was entranced by the emotion in his voice and his stage presence. if you looked at it from an artists point of view, he was making sweet sweet lovely rock to the microphone. go to there myspace. there amazing.
play "where did it go wrong"

the YELLE show was FABULOUS!!
i danced my face off. she is soo freakin adorable. i love her. and i got to run into people i havent seen in a hella long time. Photobucket

Sunday, October 26, 2008

its 4am

im oo drnk to post.


Friday, October 24, 2008



So im on the bus yesterday, and i meet a gal (lesbian). her story is shes from the Midwest, she got bored one day and decided to go to Seattle for the weekend. she doesn't know anyone here. she just wanted to go on an adventure. so were girl'n it up on the bus. we get to downtown, i walk her through downtown, show her some landmarks and play her tour guide for a while. it was fun! going on a randon adventure with a total stranger. this inspired me to go on a little adventure myself later. i took her to her hotel and parted ways. anywho.... fast foward to later that evening.
i find myself BLAZED with a box of sushi, and an hour and a half to kill. i decided to stroll around the Seattle center. i walk around, clearing my mind of distractions, the place was almost empty. there was a football game going on. so there was loud cheering every now and then. THEN i notice the fountain is on, the lights are glowing around it.
AND THERES TECHNO music playing from the FOUNTAIN!!! i descend into the dark, low lit basin next to the giant water spewing dome. i eat a piece of sushi, grab my poi balls. IT WAS THE MOST SOUL CONECTING EXPIERENCE I HAVE HAD SINCE SEABECK!!! i smoke more porn, and let the music engulf me in a euphoric sence of closeness with my mind and body. every movement was fluid and effortless, and it was beautiful. there was a moment where i understood the concept of nirvana.
i was spinning my best, moving with speed and grace, each step and twist was made with out effort. the music starts to drown out and the sound of water is all i heard. and then all i heard was my own breathe. and at that moment, i wasnt even thinking about poi, or anything. my mind was (for once) clear and silent. it was the most amazing feeling. it was me at my best. about 45 min into my spinning. i stay in this trance untill i hear a *snap and i see a flash...
i look up to find FREAKIN TOURISTS!!
they come down into the basin to meet me and take my picture while im spinning and a few shots with them. they were nice. i was really funny cause they never seen poi before.
i leave the fountain feeling amazing, focused and tranquil.

ladies and gentlemen, i found my heaven.
my only wish was that i wasnt there alone.
that moment would of been perfect if you were there to slowdance with me.

i hope this inspires you to go on an adventure. you never know what your going to find. i was looking for nothing, and then i found my everything.

-what a wonderfull world.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


THIS movie was everything i wanted in a gay ass movie.


written and directed by Casper Andreas it was Fabulous!
super kuyte boys, french accents, and crazy trannys, OH MY! (.^_^.)
i dont want to give away to much of the movie, but i will tell you this...
i found myself getting wraped up and worked up with the charaters and the drama.

the antagonist was an evil tranny hooker named APRIL who really got my blood a boil'n. and my man pantys in a bunch. the story revolves around sexy gold pants wearin homo KYLE (played by Simon Miller) and his love at first sight french walking wet dream named MARCEL (Justin Tensen) (who had a scene QAF!)). The pair are in love, its painfully obvious with every gushy (non in a bad way, a cute gay way) scene. Kyles tranny mess of a sister named April (Rob Harmon) enters the picture and releases her toxic venom into the mix.
the comic relief comes from SARAH (jane Elliot). its nice to see a funny lesbian who isnt ELLEN.
the drama is dark and un forgiving untill the credits. ok i said to much, meet the boys...


I really enjoyed the way the movie was shot, the lighting and color of every scene worked well with the emotion going on in the scene. The nude scenes were shot on a grainy film, and the lighting left just enough to the imagination.

Did I forget to mention Kyle sings? i think its super hot.


ohh gurl, you can sing a song for me any ol' time! AT the end of the movie SIMON MILLER (the guy who played kyle) came out and talked about what its like to be in the film. this was his first film ever! kydos on doin a gay role for your first film!

arnt ya pissed ya diddnt come see the movie? its ok though. i have to own a copy. and when i get one, im making you watch it!

sleep well my little darlings.
i know what ill be dreaming about tonight.

gir gir gir gir!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Hey Gurl Sweat!

i just got back from working out and RUNNING 2 miles! and GURL,.... im feeling fabulous! in the words of my "GIR" " SHE IS FEELING HERSELF! PUSH IT! PUSH IT! work it! work it! yeahss YEAHSS!! i can start to feel some sexy muscles coming through my "winter layer". my goal is to lose 20 more lbs in fat, and build a sexy muscled silhouette. im tying to go from cheeze whiz to GEE WHIZ!! heres my before and after pics.




or something like that.

wouldnt it be fabulous if i pulled a britney? this piece was made by my fabulous and wonderfull little buddy TYLER. i would love to end up looking like this.


SEE YOU AT THE MOVIE TONIGHT!!! "BETWEEN LOVE AND GOODBYE" bar time 6:30pm. movie at 7:30 call me for deets.




did anyone else see this clip of Obama? hes a funny guy! this clip is from a benefit dinner hosted by the Alfred E Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, a charity event organized by the Catholic Archdiocese of New York for the benefit of needy children.

AAAAAND in case you missed it, THE REAL SARAH PALIN ON SNL!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


this is an old poem i wrote when i saw a homeless man try to sleep on a concrete bench. enjoy.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Bottles in a row
End of the day
This ones half full
ill be ok.
Footprints in endless puddles
My world is grey same with the rain.
days and people are passing
Do you know my name?

Looking, searching, eyes so very red
Using anything to make my bed
Concrete slabs, lay my head.
The ground is cold,
bones old and weak
this soul is starving
I exhale, inject, beautiful release.

Pulling dirt across face
A waste hidden under disgrace.
Out of gin
Let the battle for sleep begin.
Rest is a journey
Sleep is a race
Mouse on a wheel
Running in place


in this poem i wanted to paint a vivid desolate image of an old man junkie who is beyond help. we all have seen him. but we dont do anything about it. we dont give out money anymore because it will probally buy drugs or drink. My goal this week is to buy a sandwitch or something to eat and give it to a less forunate person on the street. not one of those annoying in your face begging ones, and HELL NO not the ones who just stand there and hold a cup or hat out. but to one who really needs it. there usually the ones who arnt asking for much. i think ALL my readers, (all 5 of you) (lol) go out and do something nice for your fellow man. it feels good. and this is what the world needs more of. random acts of kindness. and DONT EVEN THINK about going out and whoring your ass out all over manhunt and call it HELPING YOUR FELLOW MAN OUT. thats called HELPING YOURSELF TO YOUR FELLOW MANS! ok my minions, go save the world!!



{ Over the weekend, the Associated Press reported that the actor remains under observation in the intensive care unit at Los Angeles County USC Medical Center, but his condition is improving, and he will be moved to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center when a bed opens up. So, thankfully, it sounds like Gale is on the road to recovery.}
Gale was hospitalized after a motorcycle accident last Tuesday. He suffered swelling on the brain and a fractured shoulder.
-thats from a gay tv blog.

i hope the gurls ok. in tribute to THE MAN WHO WE HAD CHUBBYS FOR. heres an interview i found. Gale is chating about what its like to be Brian kinney aka " OHh DADDY!!"

and what kinda friend would i be if i diddnt show you what your already thinking? heres some hot clips from QAF featuring mr sex kitten himself....

ok... this one made my heart skip a beat...

ok, Ive spoiled you enough. lol! we all remember him for how he looked. i remember him for how much he cared for and loved Justin. wanna hear a little secret of mine? i model my kissing after "Brian" and I'm always told that I'm a great kisser. Brian and Justin will always be the great gay romance that shaped my way of thinking and loving. QAF was a great show, and i hope someday gay tv will return with another golden age. remember when gay tv was exciting? the FAB 5 raising hell on breeders? i think gay TV is tooo gay!! ill post more about that later. heres a clip of OUR favorite FAKE gay couple, and no im not talking about that GAY ALIEN TOM Cruise and her man Katie Holmes. heres a clip of Justin and Brian.

PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON!!! or not.... anyway, but the looks of your man handle, you enjoyed the clips.... your welcome. ^_^.


say hey gurl hey to one of my favorite songs!!!

modeselsktor- ziq zaq.

but if you ever find yourself on a game show and the question "Whats Tristans favorite song of all time?" heres the answer.....

i hope all this fab-ness gets stuck in your head. love it, and share it. whats your theme song?

quivver my shivver on my liver made of timber

HEY GURL hey! its cold out side!

Im sure you have noticed the weather change. yesterday i saw a homo in a parka and flip-flops. a lezlo in a tank top, shorts, and MITTENS! that means its FALL. again. meeeegh. My weekend was amazing. like usual. some highlights were going out to the CAN-CAN for their burlesque show with the gang draaankin. dim-sum and china town adventure with a couple of new friends.
did you know theres pina colada fortune cookies?
kickin it old school with my "GIR!" (jordan) and i got to spend time with my favorite breeder.... mr.saffarizzle and stripperella. and of course, jamming out with mei-cho. usually i have something gay to blog about. but im feeling un-inspired. however i would like to speak from my heart for a sec. i have learned something about myself this weekend. "sometimes in my quest for knowledge, i ask to many questions. and i learned that it can be easily mistaken for alternative motives. and that raises more questions than answers. and thats no good. and if those questions are mis-interpreted, you can be labeled something. i, unfortunately made this mistake. and i ruined my one chance to make a good impression. we live on and learn from our mistakes, it doesn't have to be a big mess up in order for it to hurt us enough to change our lives, but this one was definitely an eye opener. my point is, i learned that im starting to forget who i am. im starting to feel like im stuck in routines with no end or obtainable goal in sight. i wish i had some amazing advice to give you if your in the same boat, but all i can really say is. before you ask a question, make sure you dont already know the answer. "knock on wood"


PS. if your looking for some sweet new music, check out; Quivver "Surin", Thomas Schumaker "inside", tom novy "the drill" enjoy music gormands!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Max Payne in my ass

i saw Max Payne tonight. the special effects were good, the story line was rubbish. Over all i LIKED it, but i diddnt LOVE it. ughh.... im sooo over popcorn!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I LOOK UBER GAY TODAY!! ill put some pics up when i get home. off to work!! then to the TOP model party! ive been singing along to my Judy Garland / Rufus Wainwright pandora station all day today! jeffeeee and i are going to play dress up at the Halloween store and have lunch here in the BOONIES! where i live. lame i know! so yeah. today is an UBER gay day! CUPCAKES!! SPRINKLES!! PONYS!!! AVAKADAVA!!! KKAAAAABOOOOOOMMMM!!! THERE I GO AGAIN!!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I got rhythm, ive got music, ive got my man, who can ask for anything more!!


First off, someone should fucking pinch me! ive been on a cloud, and i just got back. some woman on the bus today said, "you look so happy, just me smiling away, looking off into the clouds through the bus window day dreaming". and on my way way home, i came across a YARD FULL OF PUPPIES!!! it must be my lucky day! i buried myself in about a dozen puppies and made friends with there fag-hag owner who lives down the block. it was sooo fabulous. MY GUY im seeing..... well, lets just call him my main squeezy. were not technically official YET. but when i find my self FAGing out more than usual, who am i kidding. riight!! and heres what i mean by fagging out..... RIGHT NOW im sitting next the the fire, drinking wine with dolce (my pomeranian), wearing my gay ass purple kimino robe, listening to judy garland, and rufus wainwright.
there i go again, EXPLODING with my gayness.
and thats what i mean by faggin out. its a catch phrase i would love to see turn main stream. when a good ol' mo is exploding with gayness. thats what i call fagging out. like you never done it!! have you ever heard a song, or saw an outfit, or seen a small doggie, and just made you perk up and go "GIR GIR GIR GIR!!!?? AH HAA! i though so betch!! (.^_^.) its ok, its a fabulous feeling.
Here are my favorite moments from this weekend.
Sushi dinner with 3 of my buddies, my squeezy, and a fresh new gay couple! one of them does magic card tricks!! it was AMAZING!! AAAAAAAAND!! my dear jenny and steban are getting married!!! i can WAIT to go to the party, and get them something FAAAABULOUS I LOVE WEDDINGS! OMG! WTF! YAY! KAAAABBBBOOOOMMM!!!!!! damnit. there i go again.
another fabulous moment this weeeknd, was hill hopping, meeting my squeezy's buddies and watching TRANNY porn all over town. one of his friends turns out to be a classmate from 7th grade! our worlds are colliding. lol. We went out to RE-bar on sunday night. the music was A-MAZE-ZING! it was super deep groovy house. i danced my ass off.
i cant wait to see what the future brings. so far its brought me alot.
ive got rhythm, ive got sushi, ive got my fags, who can ask for anything more?

NOW IF YOU ARE FEELING AS FAAAABULOUS AS I AM RIGHT NOW, join me in fagging out! enjoy the following videos!

heres good ol' Judy singing her heart out. listen to this one. its pure joy.

Heres gay ol' Rufus doin it gir!
and let me just say.... I LOVE RUFUS WAINWRIGHT! most fags think hes TOO gay! i for one, am a rufus lover! i think most gays just dont understand him as an artist. if you really listen to his voice in this song. (and yes, its some where over the rainbow) (i bet you know the words too GIR! sing along!!) his voice is soo haunting, and emotional in this song. i hear a unique, gentle and powerful voice in this man. i suggest you lay back, in your comfy chair. and turn it up and not listen to WHAT he is saying. but HOW he is saying it. i hope it moves you as much as it does for me. enjoy.

BUT WAIT THERES MORE!!! for those of you not in the loop, theres a big gay film festival coming up next week! i have my eye on one video that mitcho suggested. heres the trailer. the boys in this are super cute! watch it now! and come to the movie!! its next tuesday 7ish. with a pre-funk at bar time of 6ish. see you there!

and for desert.... GAYS GONE WILD!!! heres the trailer for another gay sequel!!

SO that brings me to the end of todays rants. im still by the fire, thinkin bout my squeezy. wishing he was here with me. cause if he were here, he would be fagging out too. and thats what i like most about him. hes funny, charming, easy to talk to, but most important of all. hes himself.

thats what i have to say. sleep well my little darlings. i know i will.

bye gurl bye!

one more reason to love betty white

Hey GURL hey!!!!

i just got back home from another FAAAABULOUS weeeknd out with my boys. im going to go work out and have some lunch and then ill tell you all about it. In the mean time heres another reason to love Betty White. and if your looking for a SICK ASS HOUSE song check out....
Richard Dorfmeister "the only redeemer" this song is my definition of super awesome house music!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

ab fab crack binge with boy george, singing sesame gangster rap for cupcakes and dead cats.

UM... hey gurl QUA?

so i have some de-re-cious randomness for you to watch. the first one is *ALL NEW* Boy George!!! yeah i know what you queers might be thinking, "AARP! EW! old people" but fo shizzle he is a gay legend. and the bitch is STILL working! OH! remember a while back when he was S00oooo coked out, he called the police on himself for being an intruder in his own home? (whiskey tango foxtrot?!) ((WTF!?)) AND THEN THE COPS FOUND HIS STASH OF COKE!! Oh Boy.....George, that is. enjoy his new song "yes we can!"

I would love to introduce you to Ryan Trecartin, hes a film maker.
Watching this film makes me want to go on a crack binge and go on an adventure with my besties. but, ree ree though, this is what my life would be like if i was crackhead.
my favorite line is about 4:45 ish i think "Bitch!, give me some money... or give me a cupcake!" genius!!

AAAAAAAAAANNDDDD to top it off, heres Bert and Earnie singing a gangster rap about bitches and hoes.

remember when Niel Patrick Harris played a FAIRY on Sesame Street? GIR GIR GIR GIR!!!

FOR my encore, it was on SNL last week. when i saw the hands, I LOL'd so fast i almost pissed on my dog.

well there you have it boys and girls. thats my daily dose of distraction. if your still bored, check out my poerty and tell me what you think about it, and then comment on my art!!!


american version of AB-FAB? humm.....

Lets just say, Im hoping for the best.

sleep well boys and gurls. ciao.



"internal combustion"
what your looking at is me spinning fire poi.
notice the fluidity in the texture and the movement of the fire.
im loving the arcs and curves, there nice and even. and just to give you
a better idea of where im standing...
ya see the small gap on the left side where there is no fire? thats because my right arm is blocking the fire. this picture was taken from about 13-15 feet away, and im moving pretty darn fast.


he likes Gerber Daisies


Oy vie!! what a weekend! i can yammer on and on about what i did this weekend, but i want to tell you about something..... make that someone..... I'm not going to give any names on here, cause i don't kiss and tell. ;). here's the skinny on him, i met him a monthish ago. hes taller than me, short brown hair, soft blue eyes. super cute, and funny! hes a great kisser, loves to cuddle, and smokes pot. (^_^)!! just for the record, we didn't make any deposits at the spank bank. BUT, good things come on those who wait. I really like him, he makes me feel calm when im hanging out with him. but i know myself well enough to take it slow, i dont want to mess this up by rushing.
i cant tell you who it is yet, but ill give you a rageing clue... he likes gerber daisies.
le sigh. bonne vie! j'aime la façon que vous baiser!!

meanwhile! ill be back on later to schmerds about what im up to.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

sooooo gheyyy!!

hey gurl hey!

i found a new blog today! its all about gay TV!!! heres a clip of dancing with the stars with Lance Bass kissing a girl!!!!! thats right folks! a G-I-R-L not to be confused with a G-U-R-L okay! *snaps!

IM sure you remember this MAD tv skit from a while back!

OK, so i know some of you love or hate the great M.CHO.
BUT!!! did you know she made a song!! at first i was like "Whisky Tango Foxtrot!" (thats the new WTF!?!) the i heard it and i realized my gay ass WOULD dance to this if it cam on at the club.

wasnt that fun! heres another reason i love M.cho. she sounds alot like me after three to many cosmos.

HAHAHA "I'm not mad! if i was mad, you'd be dead!" loves it!

I found this following gem, 3 GAY MEN AND A DRILL! and no ryan, its not PORN! this video reminded why the world needs lesbians. you go gurls!