Friday, October 24, 2008



So im on the bus yesterday, and i meet a gal (lesbian). her story is shes from the Midwest, she got bored one day and decided to go to Seattle for the weekend. she doesn't know anyone here. she just wanted to go on an adventure. so were girl'n it up on the bus. we get to downtown, i walk her through downtown, show her some landmarks and play her tour guide for a while. it was fun! going on a randon adventure with a total stranger. this inspired me to go on a little adventure myself later. i took her to her hotel and parted ways. anywho.... fast foward to later that evening.
i find myself BLAZED with a box of sushi, and an hour and a half to kill. i decided to stroll around the Seattle center. i walk around, clearing my mind of distractions, the place was almost empty. there was a football game going on. so there was loud cheering every now and then. THEN i notice the fountain is on, the lights are glowing around it.
AND THERES TECHNO music playing from the FOUNTAIN!!! i descend into the dark, low lit basin next to the giant water spewing dome. i eat a piece of sushi, grab my poi balls. IT WAS THE MOST SOUL CONECTING EXPIERENCE I HAVE HAD SINCE SEABECK!!! i smoke more porn, and let the music engulf me in a euphoric sence of closeness with my mind and body. every movement was fluid and effortless, and it was beautiful. there was a moment where i understood the concept of nirvana.
i was spinning my best, moving with speed and grace, each step and twist was made with out effort. the music starts to drown out and the sound of water is all i heard. and then all i heard was my own breathe. and at that moment, i wasnt even thinking about poi, or anything. my mind was (for once) clear and silent. it was the most amazing feeling. it was me at my best. about 45 min into my spinning. i stay in this trance untill i hear a *snap and i see a flash...
i look up to find FREAKIN TOURISTS!!
they come down into the basin to meet me and take my picture while im spinning and a few shots with them. they were nice. i was really funny cause they never seen poi before.
i leave the fountain feeling amazing, focused and tranquil.

ladies and gentlemen, i found my heaven.
my only wish was that i wasnt there alone.
that moment would of been perfect if you were there to slowdance with me.

i hope this inspires you to go on an adventure. you never know what your going to find. i was looking for nothing, and then i found my everything.

-what a wonderfull world.

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