Tuesday, September 30, 2008

REAL MUSIC (my beat)

this poem is dedicated to all the people who make beautiful music. i wrote this one after i realized that music is intangible, but somehow it makes me feel alive. we are all our own song, dancing to our own rhythm, maing our own beats with our hearts. we are all music machines, have you ever heard a heartbeat that isnt yours? listen to each other. enjoy.

~my beat~

singers song writers
all heroic poets.
dream is destiny i heard somewhere before.
these sounds move from air and muscles
to shells called people.
floating through intangable devices
like time and love.
you speak. and i listen.
hit a note to touch my soul.
your not real, but somehow invisible make me feel alive.


this picture is called "the DJ" its an abstract photo. can you see the "dj"?

-------------------------------------------------------------- T.Oliver.

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