Monday, September 29, 2008

a different kinda of love song

im up late, i cant sleep. im going through old photos and i came across some of my former lover. i had a weird rush of emotions and so then i channeled my emotions and wrote a love song. when you read this, i want you to read it one line at a time, very slowly, try to relate to each word grouping to a time where you felt lonely and missed someone. this isnt exactly a love some per sey, its just missing an old friend, someone who gets you in a way no one else does. enjoy.

.- quiet photos -.

its this silence,
or maybe its the darkness
theres to much time between us
to many hearts behind us
i wish it wasnt over

remembering that summer morning
when the light was perfect
remember what you told me
you wispered, i was beautifull
i still believe you
this is all the matters.

with old photos
your never going to age
first loves never do
close my eyes
i can hear your voice
telling me its ok
i hold myself a little tighter

my lips stained with wine
heavy breathe, misty eyes
talking to pictures
they look so happy
telling me i cant sleep alone again.
somethings telling me your doing the same.

----------------------------------------------------------- T.Oliver.


people knew us, but they diddnt understand us.

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